Loyola Environment faculty play key roles in this year’s Environmental Law and Policy Summit.
Dr. Bob Thomas and Professor Robert Verchick are both moderating at the Environmental Law & Policy Summit.
Environmental Journalism in the Era of Clickbait Content
Weinmann Hall, Room 151
Between Hurricane Katrina and the BP Oil Disaster, Louisiana and the surrounding Gulf states were ground zero for two of the most pressing environmental stories of the 21st century. Four renowned local journalists will give insight on their careers and the relationship between journalism and environmental policy, an indispensable ingredient of environmental awareness in Louisiana and across-the-board. These journalists will also discuss their views on the future of environmental journalism, especially in the context of clickbait content online. Bob Marshall, The Lens; Clancy Dubos, Co-Owner and Political Editor, The Gambit; Debbie Elliot, National Correspondent, NPR News; Mark Schleifstein, Environmental Reporter, The Times-Picayune; Dr. Bob Thomas (moderator), Professor and Chair in Environmental Communication, Loyola University New Orleans
“Waters of the United States”
Weinmann Hall, Room 151
On this phrase hangs the fate of nearly half of America’s wetlands. After the release of the EPA’s new “Clean Water Rule,” three federal circuit courts have come to three different conclusions about what constitutes these waters. The outcome of this debate will have major impacts on both coal and fracking operations nationwide. Joseph Dellapenna, Professor of Law, Villanova University; Christopher S. Pugsley, Partner, Thompson & Pugsley; Counsel to the National Mining Association; Robert Verchick (moderator), Gauthier-St. Martin Chair in Environmental Law, Loyola University New Orleans
Beyond Denial
Weinmann Hall, Room 151
What cultural factors drive individuals to form their beliefs about climate change? What roles do science, politics, sense of community, and self-identity play in this struggle? Experts weigh in on how policy can be informed by these factors. Jaime Madrigano, ScD, MPH, Associate Policy Researcher, RAND Corporation; Robert Verchick, Gauthier-St. Martin Chair in Environmental Law, Loyola University New Orleans; Eric Dannenmaier (moderator), Director, Environmental and Natural Resources Law Program, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law
21st Annual Tulane Environmental Law & Policy Summit
February 19-20, 2016 Tulane University Weinmann Hall 6329 Freret St. New Orleans, LA 70118