Jamileh Beik Mohammadi
Dr. Jamileh Beik Mohammadi obtained her Ph.D. from The University of Alabama in 2017 and was a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Center for Quantum Phenomena at New York University from 2018 to 2019. Her research is in the area of magnetism and spintronics. She utilizes experimental methods and theoretical modeling to design and characterize magnetic thin films and multilayers. The application of these studies is in spintronic devices such as magnetic sensors in GPS systems and magnetic random-access memories. Her research aims to exploit the magnetic properties of materials used in these devices, to understand the underlying physics and improve their performance.
Recent Publications
- J. Beik Mohammadi, G. Mankey, C. K. A. Mewes, T. Mewes: Strong interfacial perpendicular anisotropy and interfacial damping in Ni0.8Fe0.2 films adjacent to Ru and SiO2, Journal of Applied Physics 125 (2), 023901 (2019)
- J. Beik Mohammadi, K. Cole, T. Mewes, C. K. A. Mewes: Inhomogeneous perpendicular magnetic anisotropy as a source of higher-order quasistatic and dynamic anisotropies, Physical Review B 97 (1), 014434 (2018)
- J. Beik Mohammadi, J. Michael Jones, S. Paul, B. Khodadadi, C. K. A. Mewes, T. Mewes, C. Kaiser: Broadband ferromagnetic resonance characterization of anisotropies and relaxation in exchange-biased IrMn/CoFe bilayers, Physical Review B 95 (6), 064414 (2017)
- B. Khodadadi, J. Beik Mohammadi, C. Mewes, T. Mewes, M. Manno, C. Leighton, C. W. Miller: Enhanced spin pumping near a magnetic ordering transition, Physical Review B 96 (5), 054436 (2017)
- A. V. Singh, B. Khodadadi, J. Beik Mohammadi, S. Keshavarz, T. Mewes, D. Singh Negi, R. Datta, Z. Galazka, R. Uecker, A. Gupta: Bulk Single Crystal‐Like Structural and Magnetic Characteristics of Epitaxial Spinel Ferrite Thin Films with Elimination of Antiphase Boundaries, Advanced Materials 29 (30), 1701222 (2017)
Ph.D., The University of Alabama