Political Science major, A'niya Robinson, serves as President of Loyola's Wolfpack Diversity Team.
The purpose of the Loyola University Wolfpack Diversity Team is to enrich and broaden the minds of Loyola University’s students through solidarity and understanding of the many diverse cultures and races that make up our campus. At its core, Loyola's dedication to the Jesuit tradition focuses on developing students in all aspects of life, both inside the world of academia and beyond it. A Jesuit education suggests that each student is called to human excellence, and with that excellence implies the understanding and acceptance of each individual's differences. The Wolfpack Diversity team will keep the Jesuit tradition of human excellence to heart by using it to promote a positive message, concise understanding, and wholehearted acceptance of all peoples. For more information, join our Facebook group ("Loyola University Wolf Pack Diversity Team") or send us an email at loynowdt@gmail.com.