Ms. Monique Gougisha-Doucette joined Ogletree Deakins in 2009. She practices primarily in the area of employment litigation and represents management in claims arising under Title VII, ADA, FMLA, ADEA, as well as other federal and state employment laws. She also regularly represents employers in various state and federal administrative proceedings. Ms. Doucette has significant experience with litigating employment matters in a variety of business sectors such as construction, insurance, banking, hospitality, education, health care and manufacturing. Ms. Doucette is a frequent speaker on various employment law topics and contributing author to publications such as the Louisiana Bar Journal and HR Magazine. She is also an avid supporter of the local arts and education in New Orleans by serving on the board of directors for the New Orleans Ballet Association and volunteering as a mentor at several Orleans Parish high schools. She is a member of the A.P. Tureaud Chapter of the American Inns of Court and serves as a co-chair on the ABA Employment Rights and Responsibilities Committee's Diversity Initiative Task Force.