Betina Cutaia Wilkinson is an assistant professor of political science at Wake Forest University. She was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and immigrated to the United States at the age of six. Her research interests include race and ethnicity, Latino politics, immigration public opinion and political behavior. She has participated in numerous scholarly conferences, has several works under review and has a forthcoming article in the Social Science Quarterly titled “Divided Loyalties? Understanding Variation in Latino Attitudes toward Immigration” along with Stella Rouse and Jim Garand.
Besides having an active research agenda, Wilkinson has participated in numerous community service activities in the United States and Latin America. Wilkinson has been awarded several travel and research awards, among others being named a 2007-2008 American Political Science Association Minority Fellow.
In 2009 Recipient, Association for the Advancement of University Women (AAUW) scholarship Award.
In 2010, Dr. Wilkinson was selected as a Wake Forest University ACE Fellow and she received the Wake Forest University, Dean’s Office Fund for Faculty Development Award.