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Pi Sigma Alpha Constitution


We the members of Pi Sigma Alpha, a political science honor society, do hereby set forth this constitution to govern the affairs of the Eta Epsilon chapter at Loyola University. The purpose of this organization shall be to stimulate scholarship and interest in the subject of government by providing tangible recognition to students who have excelled in the field. The Society will admit students without regard to their race, religion, color, sex, age, handicap, sexual orientation, or national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and other activities generally accorded or made available to member of the Society.

Article I: Membership

Section 1. Classes. There shall be three classes of membership in the Society as follows: student, faculty, or honorary.

Section 2. Student Membership. There shall be three classes of student membership in the Society as follows: full, associate, and assistant.

(a) Full. Election to full student membership shall be by the Eta Epsilon chapter from among such sophomores, juniors, seniors, or graduate students of Loyola University who meet the following qualifications:

  1. Completion of twelve semester hours of work in political science.
  2. Maintenance of a 3.0 average or higher in all political science courses.

(b) Associate. Election to associate student membership shall be by the Eta Epsilon chapter from among such freshman, sophomores, or juniors of Loyola University who meet the following qualifications:

  1. Completion of six semester hours of work in political science.
  2. Maintenance of a 3.0 average or higher in all political science courses.

(c) Assistant. Election to assistant student membership shall be by the Eta Epsilon chapter from among such freshman or sophomores of Loyola University who meet the following qualifications:

  1. Completion of three semester hours of work in political science.
  2. Maintenance of a 3.0 average or higher in all political science courses.

Section 3. Faculty Membership. Any member of the faculty of the administrative department, school, or division that offers a major sequence of courses in political science at Loyola University may be elected to faculty membership by the chapter. Faculty members shall possess all the privileges of membership except that of being an officer.

Section 4. Honorary Membership. Any person of recognized ability or achievement in the field of political science might be elected as an honorary member of the Eta Epsilon chapter by a majority of the number necessary to achieve a quorum at a regular meeting of the members. Honorary members will possess all privileges of active members except that of being an officer.

Section 5. Subsequent Service. All members of another institution who are elected to membership shall, upon transference to this institution, be considered members of the Eta Epsilon chapter.

Section 6. Election and quorum. Election to membership shall be by vote of not less than a majority of those voting, a quorum being present.

Section 7. Fees and dues. Each member of the Eta Epsilon chapter shall pay such initiation fees and annual dues as the chapter, by vote of a quorum, shall determine. All dues must be paid to the treasurer by the third meeting of the fall semester. Amount of dues will vary by the level of membership.

Article II: The Eta Epsilon Chapter Offices

Section 1. Offices. The following offices, which will be made up of students, shall govern the Eta Epsilon chapter: a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer, and an events chairperson, and are hereby known as the executive council.

Section 2. Election of Officers. All potential officers will be nominated at the third meeting of the spring semester so as to allow time to verify credits and grade point average. The election will take place at the fourth meeting of the spring semester and will be done by anonymous ballots and conducted by an outgoing member chosen by the executive council.

Section 3. Adviser. The chapter shall choose at least one member of the department faculty to serve as its adviser, whose name shall also be reported to the National Director.

Section 4. By-laws. The chapter shall make such by-laws, not inconsistent with the Constitution, as it may deem advisable by vote of a quorum.

Section 5. Reports. The secretary shall report to the National Director annually on or before the 15th day of May the number of active members of the chapter. At the same time, the treasurer shall also issue a report to the National Director on the financial condition of the chapter.

Article III: Meetings

Section 1. Meetings of Members. Meetings of the chapter membership shall occur from time to time as decided by a quorum of the members present at meetings upon the recommendations of the officers. All members are required to attend at least two meetings per semester. The first of the semester meetings is mandatory. Consideration will be made to those members from City College who wish to participate in the organization, but are unable to attend the meetings. Those members will be required to make at least two events per semester.

Section 2. Attendance at Events. All members are required to attend at least two events per semester one of which may include the end of the semester social. Failure to meet this criterion will result in probation from the organization on the first offense and expulsion on the second offense.

Section 3. Quorum. The officers of the Executive Council shall set the number necessary for a quorum.

Section 4. Meetings of the Executive Council. Meetings of the Executive Council, consisting of the officers and the adviser, shall take place as needed. Meetings shall be called by the president or at the request of any three members of the committee.

Article IV: Probation

Section 1. Length of Probation. Any member of the Eta Epsilon chapter whose grades fall under the required grade point shall be placed under probation for one semester. During this period, the officers shall inform the member that failure to regain the requisite grade point will result in the expulsion of the member after the probationary period is complete. A member on probation is excluded from holding any office.

Article V: Amendments

Section 1. Proposals. Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by the Executive Council or by not less than ten percent of the chapter members.

Section 2. Ratification. Within sixty days after the proposed amendments to this Constitution, a vote must be taken with a majority of at least three-fifths of the membership voting in the affirmative. If the amendment is passed, it shall be in force from the time of its passage.

Article VI: Ratification

Section 1. Ratification. The Constitution shall be considered ratified by a vote of all members in good standing present at the ratification meeting.